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International Seminar "Academic, Administrative and Financial Autonomy of Higher Educational Institutions"


On 11-12 June 2018 at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University an international seminar "Academic, Administrative and Financial Autonomy of Higher Educational Institutions" was held with the participation of Jamil Salmi, an expert in higher education.


The organizers of the international seminar are the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions in Almaty Region, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and the National Office of Erasmus + (NEO).


The main goal of the seminar is to familiarize the participants of the seminar with possible models, principles and difficulties of transition to university autonomy, to develop recommendations for preparing universities for academic, administrative and financial independence and functioning in conditions of autonomy.


The two-day seminar was attended by the rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, chairman of the Council of Rectors of Almaty region, Takir Balykbayev, expert in higher education, professor, Jamil Salmi, rector of the University of International Business, member of the NT EHER, Darkhan Ahmed-Zaki, director of the Center for the Bologna process and academic mobility Amantai Nurmagambetov, first vice-rector of the Eurasian National University, Asemgul Moldazhanova, Director of the National Office of Erasmus+ in Kazakhstan Shayzada Tasbulatova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the University of Narhoz, member of the NT EHER, Serik Svyatov, coordinator of the translation of the experience of Nazarbayev University, Madina Aytakanova, heads of universities of Almaty.


In opening remarks, rector Takir Balykbayev emphasized the importance of the theme of the international seminar: "Today, when we have passed the stage of development of our higher education system, the question of academic, administrative and financial autonomy of higher education institutions becomes really important. The next stage in the development of universities should be connected with the rather serious possibility of universities to independently identify educational programs, determine the direction of their development and the principles of management".


The director of the Erasmus + National Office in Kazakhstan, Shayzada Tasbulatova, told the seminar participants about the activities of the office and the Erasmus + program, thanking Rector Takir Balykbaev and leaders of other universities who supported the program.


Within the framework of the seminar, the key speaker of the seminar, a well-known specialist in higher education, a member of international supervisory committees of several universities in Europe, Asia and Latin America, Professor Jamil Salmi, examined models, principles and problems in the transition to university autonomy and proposed academic, administrative and financial autonomy and the functioning of universities in the conditions of autonomy, the transformation of academic culture at all levels of the institution`s structure for the training of the university autonomy.


Rector of the University of International Business, member of the NT EHER Darkhan Ahmed-Zaki ("Transition to the University Autonomy in Kazakhstan: a new legal framework") and the coordinator of the translation of the Nazarbayev University`s experience Madina Aitakanova ("Nazarbayev University: model and key principles of management").


During the two-day seminar, the participants worked in 4 groups related, respectively, to the issues of academic autonomy, administrative autonomy, financial autonomy and autonomy in the management of human resources.


Expert Jamil Salmi asked the members of each group: How does university autonomy in Kazakhstan correlate with international trends? What needs to be changed? Are we ready for change? What can we learn from European experience and how can it be adapted to the national context?


At the end of the seminar, listeners received special certificates.














Department of Public Relations