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Webinar for English language and subject teachers

On May 12, 2020, a webinar was organized by the Department of International Cooperation on the topic «Actual Protocols of Remote Learning of English in COVID-19 and Post-Quarantine Reality» for English teachers and subject teachers. Webinar speaker Roman Lukyanets, an international expert in the field of blended learning, presented the interesting experience of the international educational center EduSoft, which is one of the best in the world in interactive teaching of English, preparation for IELTS and TOEFL. A.T. Kulsariyeva, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Cooperation, made welcoming remarks.

The event was attended by the rector of the university T. Balykbayev, paying particular attention to the advanced training of the teaching staff and the increase in educational programs in English. At the end of the webinar, a lively discussion took place, during which the participants showed interest in the proposed program, asked questions and actively participated in the discussion of the raised topic.