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«Friendship is an inexhaustible treasury»


On 31 October, 2018 in the regional orphanage number 1 in Almaty, the student club «Lider» of Abai KazNPU held a cultural and educational event «Friendship is an inexhaustible treasury».

The purpose of the educational hour: 1. To facilitate the efficient conduct of the school holidays for children. 2.To develop professional competence of students.


Objectives of the educational hour: organization of children`s leisure; expanding children`s understanding of friendship; formation of life values; development of communicative abilities of children and students; development of professional leadership skills of students.

45 students, the head of the club «Leader» Anar Alimbekova, and 102 pupils and educators from regional orphanage No. 1 attended this event.

At this event, students in order to explain the name of the theme «Friendship-inexhaustible Treasury» told the ideas and quotes of great scientists, philosophers about friendship, gave examples, asked questions to children, listened to their opinions about each other and friendship. It was mentioned about international friendship, as well as the memory of friends of the First President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev in young years. Besides, told about special friendship which lasted 20 years between the Fire fisherman and the crocodile.

Everyone really enjoyed the event. Children with pleasure played games with students, sang songs, danced. In the end, the students distributed gifts to all children, the children asked the students to come more often. In conclusion, the head of the student club «Lider» Anar Alimbekova and teachers of the children`s home № 1, who thanked the children and students-organizers, made a speech that over time there will be more than one meeting.


















Club «Leader»