Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University holds the International scientific and practical conference on May 31, 2013 “Multilingual education in the context Intercultural Communication: сognitive and conceptual aspects” Scientific researchers and University professors, doctoral degree candidates, teachers of compulsory institutions, establishments of additional professional education, post-graduates, public representatives are invited to participate in the conference. Prominent Kazakhstan and foreign scientists (representatives of EU, CIS countries, USA, East and Asia), government bodies representatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of NDP “Nur Otan” as well as representatives of diplomatic corps will take part in the conference. Address: The International scientific and practical conference is hold in Big Conference-Hall (Room 225) main academic building, KazNPU of Abai, Almaty, (Dostyk St. 13) Opening time: 10:00 Principal directions of the conference: 1. Innovations of foreign language education in condition of multilingual studies 2. Development of manuals and general educational curriculum in the sphere of multilingual studies 3. Creating multilingual personality in the context of Intercultural and Cross-cultural Communication
The working languages of the Conference: Kazakh, Russian and English
Forms of participation in the conference: - plenary meeting report; - section meeting report; - publication; - conducting master-classes and seminars
Requirements to article design: The working languages of the Conference: Kazakh, Russian and English 1. Text of the article size up to 6 pages in Microsoft Word editor (6.0 or 7.0) on CD and paper of A4 format or on e-mail fiyaimo@mail.ru 2. Technical design of text: times New Roman script, 14 point, inter-line interval – single, margins: left – 3 sm., right, top, bottom - 2 sm. 3. On the top of the page – in capital semi-rich letters title of the report is printed, under it with a gap – in capital letters initials of name and middle name, surname, address of work, residence, gapped main text 4. Formulas are printed only in application – Microsoft Equation editor of formulas 5. References are given in quadratic parentheses, list of literature is indicated at the end of the article text in the course of quotation Organizing Committee has the right to decline materials, which are presented late of indicated period or designed wrong, i.e. that do not correspond the requirements. Materials are not returned. Сost of publication of an article is 2500 Tenge (free for foreign participants). It is necessary to send the copy of payment check for article publication to organizing Committee address till May 11, 2013 Account bill for money transfer: РГП «Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая» 050010, г. Алматы, пр. Достык, 13 ИИК KZ178560000000086696 «Банк Центр кредит» г. Алматы КБЕ 16 БИК KCJBKZKX РНН 600900529562
Participation conditions: To take part in the conference it is necessary to present an article in paper and e-variants on the following address 050010, Almaty, Kazybek bi 28, Faculty of Foreign Languages and International Relations, KazNPU of Abai, Room 1, tel. of organizing Committee 8(727)2914063, or send to e-address of organizing committee fiyaimo@mail.ru the following materials:
Information about author 1. Surname, name, middle name__________________________________________ 2. Scientific degree, position_____________________________________________ 3. Address, phone/fax___________________________________________________ 4. E-mail_____________________________________________________________ 5. Theme of report_____________________________________________________ 6. Trend of conference_________________________________________________ 7. Necessary invitation of organizers_______________________________________ If invitation is necessary, it is obligatory to indicate fax number, initials, position, scientific degree and rank of supervisor of institution or subdivision to which invitation should be sent. Expenses, connected with arrival to conference are realized on the account of participants.