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«Actual problems of law, economics and education at the present stage: theory and practice»


On 15-16 March, at Abai KazNPU, an international scientific-practical conference «Actual problems of law, economics and education at the present stage: theory and practice» will be held.

Practitioners and theorists, teachers, doctoral students and graduate students, undergraduates and bachelors are invited.

Sections of the conference:
1. Law;
2. Economics and finance;
3. Education and pedagogy;
4. History;
5. Political science;
6. Rouhani zhanguyru.

The acceptance of applications for participation in the seventh correspondence international scientific-practical conference «Actual problems of law, economics and education at the present stage: theory and practice» is announced.

Venue: Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU, 25, Zhambyl, Almaty.

Information latter