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A master class on the innovative scientific research direction "Aitylgan Tarikh", dedicated to the "Decade of Science"


On April 9, 2024, the head of the scientific laboratory "Aitylgan Tarikh" as part of the scientific and innovation park "AbaiLabs" at the Department of Science of KazNPU named after Abay is an associate professor, c. h. s. Myrzataeva Z. conducted a master class for students of the "10th grade" (under the guidance of Rakhmankulova Gulaina Sultanovna) of gymnasium No. 159 named after Y.Altynsarin on the topic "The story told at school (Oral history)" in honor of the "Decade of Science" at the university.  At the Master class, methods of living history were announced, involving teaching a history lesson not only in the classroom, but also according to eyewitness accounts of events, that is, in close connection with life. The purpose of the event was to instill in teenagers a passion for science, to teach new technologies in the knowledge of the history of the Fatherland. "Aitylgan Tarikh" interested the students, they showed great interest in this issue.



