The role-playing contest «In the world of fairy-tale»
On November 9, 2021, at the Abai KazNPU Institute of «Pedagogy and Psychology» will host a role-playing contest «In the world of fairy-tale» among the 2nd-year students of the educational programs «Primary Education in English» and «Primary education with multilingualism». The organizer of the event is A.T.Turalbayeva Ph.D. doctor, senior lecturer of the Department of Vocational Training »Primary education» programs.
The terms (tasks) of the competition:
- Understanding by ear and searching for a fairy tale in English;
- Find a fairy tale and prepare a role-playing game;
- Give examples of the following grammatical rules from the words used during the speech:
A) Times
Simple (present, past, future)
Continues (present, past, future)
C) Reporting speech
(direct and indirect speech)
C) Preposition
In at the exit across
Four of the following fairy tales are found in the competition:
1. Asyl shóp
2. Aqyl, ǵylym jáne baqyt
3. Maqta qyz ben mysyq
4. Ur, toqpaq
5. Qarlyǵashtyń quıryǵy nege aıyr?
6. Aldar - kósenіń tapqyrlyǵy.
7. Arystan dertіnіń emі
8. Qyzyl telpek
9. Tazsha bala
10. Úsh toraı oqıǵasy
The winners of the competition will be awarded with diplomas of I, II, III degrees.