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Zhumabayeva Zhazira Amanzholkyzy


Born on September 29, 1992 in the village of Zhanaturmys, Shieli district, Kyzylorda region. From 1.09.1998 to 25.05.2009, she studied at secondary school No. 207 "Zhanaturmys". She studied at the Kazakh national pedagogical University. Abay in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" (2009-2013 bachelor`s degree), (2013-2015 master`s degree), (2017-2020 doctorate).



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

Bachelor of education in the specialty 5B010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary education


Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

Master of pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 6M010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary education




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Bachelor of education in the specialty 5B010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary education

Pedagogy, Primary education


Master of pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 6M010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary education

Pedagogy, Primary education




Academic title

Date of award






TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

1. Workshop on the preparation of multimedia educational products.

2. Integrated teaching of primary school subjects



Scientific topic: Teaching primary education subjects using a metasubject approach


1. Zhazira Zhumabayeva., Gulnar Uaisova., Aziya Zhumabaeva., Elmira Uaidullakyzy., Raziya Karimova., Gauhar Hamza. Issues of kazakh language teaching in elementary classes in terms of the meta-subject approach. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 14(1), 158-170.

2. Zhazira Zhumabayeva, Gulnar Uaisova, Inkar Hasanovа, Sarsengul Jetpisbayeva.  Meta-subject approach in the training of future primary school teachers. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (JEE) in Volume 23, Issue 4.

3. Жұмабаева Ж.А., Уайсова Г.И. Болашақ педагогтарды бастауыш білім беру пәндерін метапәндік тұрғыдан  оқытуға даярлау тұжырымдамасы. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. №5/2 2020.

4. Жұмабаева Ж.А., Уайсова Г.И. Болашақ бастауыш сынып мұғалімдерін кәсіби даярлаудағы метапәндік тәсілдеме. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. №5  2020.

5. Progress study of the term meta-subject in education. 02-04.05.2019ж INNOVATION ANDGLOBAL ISSUES CONGRESS V 2019. Ankara, Turkey. 916-924 p.



1. «Жазу дәптері №1», «Жазу дәптері №2», «Жазу дәптері №3» (Atamura publishing house) for students of 1st grades of secondary schools recommended by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016.)

2. Қане, достар, оқиық! Book for extracurricular reading on cross-cutting topics: for class 2 / compilers: Zh. b. Kazhygalieva, K. K. Baitenova, R. A. zhumabayeva. - Astana, 2018, 78 pages. © Center for educational programs branch. ISBN 978-601-7916-43-5 © AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools", 2016.

3. Қане, достар, оқиық! Book for extracurricular reading on cross-cutting topics: for grade 3 / compiled by: I. O. zhumabayeva-Astana, 2018-96 pages. © Center for educational programs branch. ISBN 978-601-328-292-3. © AOO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools", 2017.




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