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The project "Pedagogical classes" continues!


On October 2, 2023, Abai KazNPU hosted a meeting-meeting of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Abai KazNPU Bolat Tilep with the directors of secondary schools of the Department of Education of Almaty. The meeting was attended by the Director of the Department of Academic Affairs H.Zhanbekov (moderator), Head of the Department of Pedagogy Sh.Кolumbayeva, headmasters of schools of the Educational institution of Alamty, teaching staff of the Department of Pedagogy, teaching in pedagogical classes.


In his welcoming speech, the rector congratulated school principals on the upcoming professional holiday - Teacher`s Day, noted the high need of the country for highly qualified school teachers, actualized the problem of pre-professional training of schoolchildren to choose a teaching profession. He expressed confidence in the fruitful and long-term cooperation of the university with schools.


Director of the Department of Academic Affairs Khairulla Zhanbekov gave information about the features and working conditions of pedagogical classes.


Head of the Department of Pedagogy Sholpan Кolumbayeva answered the questions asked and introduced teachers of pedagogical classes.


School leaders showed great interest in participating in the project, noted the importance of pedagogical classes as a means of professional orientation of schoolchildren to the profession of "Teacher", expressed gratitude to the Rector of the University for the opportunity to participate in this project.


As a result, a Memorandum of cooperation on the implementation of the project "Pedagogical Classes" was signed between Abai KazNPU and 13 schools of the Educational Institution of Almaty, including No. 98, No. 64, No. 19 of the Medeu district; №167, №128, № 67, № 58 Almaly district; No.141, No. 122, No.104 Auezov district; No. 93 Bostandyk district; No. 109, No. 2 Zhetysu district.


