13.09.2024 Online meeting of master`s students of the dual-degree program of Abai KazNPU and Moscow City Pedagogical University (Russia) On September 12, the Department of Primary Education at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held its first international online meeting with the administration, staff, and master`s students of the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MCPU) as part of implementing a bilateral agreement on the educational program "7M01303 - Primary Education in a Multicultural Society."
During the online meeting, representatives from Moscow City Pedagogical University included: the Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences., Professor A.I. Savenkov; the Head of the International Cooperation Department, D.A. Milyaeva; the Deputy Director for Educational Policy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences., Professor A.S. Lvova from the Department of Pedagogy; and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences., Associate Professor T.I. Zinovieva from the Department of Teaching Methods. The presentations highlighted the timely and beneficial nature of the bilateral agreement. University representatives discussed their institution`s specific features and educational program.
The Head of the Department of Primary Education at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.E. Zhumabayeva; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.K. Arenova; and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences., Professor L.A. Lebedeva outlined the specifics and implementation plans of the educational program and wished everyone success.
At the end of the meeting, master`s students asked questions of interest and exchanged views on the program.