30.01.2023 A round table on the topic "Subculture of modern youth" organized by Abay University and the Kokand Institute
The School of Young Researchers of the Pedagogy and Psychology Institute of Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, together with the Department of Pedagogy of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mizami, is organizing a round table "Subculture of modern youth", which will be held on February 1, 2023, at 11:00 am.
The meeting will take place in two formats: Offline: room 19, Tole bi, 31 Online: Connect to the Zoom conference https://us05web.zoom.us/j/3347522741?pwd=cDJ3OW9yWk92ckMrOG02Wi9jOVFvdz09
Conference ID: 334 752 2741
Access code: 5555
Moderators: A.A. Kaliaskarova, 3rd year doctoral student in Pedagogy and Psychology; T.A. Marchenko, 2nd year student in Special Pedagogy: Speech Therapy. Speakers: Sakyp K.A., 2nd year master student of "Management in education" specialty, "Results of the survey: Subculture of youth"; Enbayeva R.K., 3rd year student of "Pedagogy and Psychology" specialty, Video material: "Students and teachers` view on subculture of youth"; Ergashev N.N., a master student of KSPI, "Questioning results of KSPI students"; Uteulova A.A., 1st year PhD student, teacher of the Psychology Department, "Youth Subculture"; Yuldoshev U.Zh., teacher of the Pedagogy department of KSPI "Youth subculture and its impact on the educational space"; Ibragimov F.B., head of educational work of the KSPI "Youth Culture"; Sholtay S.Sh., deputy director for educational work of the Pedagogy and Psychology Institute, "Kazakh culture in modern conditions";