17.01.2025 Announcement of the competition
1. Information about the organizer and the event being held competition:
1 Competition name: A competition for the transfer of canteen premises for property lease (rent) with the responsibility of the tenant to carry out current repairs and fully equip the canteen premises (furniture, kitchen utensils, equipment, etc.) at the expense of payment for the lease (rent), with a lease term of up to three years. 2 Organizer competition : Non-profit joint-stock company "Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay" 3 Mail address : Almaty , Medeu district, Dostyk Ave. , 13 4 Contact data , electronic address : Secretary of the competition committee - Abdil`dina Saltanat Bolysovna Tel.: +7 777 299 24 21 ; Email: s. abdildina @abaiuniversity.edu.kz 5 Address placements competitive documentation : 6 Address for accepting applications for participation in the competition: Almaty , Medeu district, Kazybek bi st. , 30 7 Date and time of the deadline for submission of competitive applications: 27 January 202 5 years , 18 hours 00 minutes . 8 Venue of the competition (opening of envelopes with competition applications): Dostyk Ave. , 13, office . No. 307 9 Date and time of the competition (opening of envelopes with competition entries) applications ): 28 January 202 4 year , 1 0 h. 00 min .
2. Object characteristics (- ov ):
3. An application for participation in the competition (Appendix No. 2 to the Competition Documentation) is submitted in a sealed envelope indicating the name of the object. 4. The competition is conducted by opening envelopes with competition applications and qualifying the participants for compliance with the requirements of the Competition Documentation. 5. The conditions and procedure for holding the competition are regulated in the attached Competition Documentation. The application form for participation in the competition is specified in Appendix No. 2 to the Competition Documentation. 6.The language of conducting competitive procedures and preparing relevant documents is Russian.
Appendix: Tender documentation