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   Главная / Lebedeva Larisa Anatolevna

Lebedeva Larisa Anatolevna



Born on 26.08.1970  in Almaty. Married. Two children.

In 1987,  graduated with honors from school No. 100 in Almaty.  In 1991 graduated with honors Abay University. After graduating from the University,  had been involved in following teaching and research activities:

01.09.1991-01.06.1998-Teacher of the Department of Theory and methods of teaching mathematics and labor training in the primary school at Abay University

01.09.1998-31.03.2001-Training in postgraduate study at Abay University

01.09.1998-31.03.20041 Primary school teacher №64 Almaty

26.08.2004-01.11.2008 -Senior teacher of the Department of Mathematics and methods of teaching at the primary school at Abay University

01.09.2015-present Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and methods of primary education at Abay University

15.04.2002- present Author of the Almatykitapbaspasy publishing house (development of the "Mathematics" UMK for grades 1-4, development of the UMK for the formation of elementary mathematical representations of preschool and pre-school training, conducting training seminars)



Educational Institution



Date of completion

KazNPU named after Abay,  specialty pedagogy and methods of primary education

Primary school teacher. Teacher of pedagogy and methods of primary education.


KazNPU named after Abay, specialty psychology

Psychologist, psychology teacher.




Name of academic degree


Field of science

date of issue

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences



13.00.02-theory and methods of teaching and education (mathematics)





Academic title

Date of issue


Associate Professor of pedagogy




TEACHING SUBJECTS (list by level of training)

Bachelor`s degree:

Methods of teaching mathematics at primary school

Literacy teaching method

Russian language teaching method

Literary reading teaching method

Master`s degree:

TRIZ technology in primary school


Problems of training future primary school teachers on the updated content of education


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research subject, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones)

Methods of primary education, training of teachers, students motivation.

More than 200 publications including: scientific articles, one article in the Scopus database journal.

1.Yelena Agranovich, Amina Amirova, Larissa Ageyeva, Larissa Lebedeva, Sholpan Aldibekova, Elmira Uaidullakyzy The Formation of Self-Organizational Skills of Student`s Academic Activity on the Basis of Time Management Technology International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) ISSN: 1863-0383Германия, Kassel University Press GmbH Vol. 14, No. 22, 2019. S. 95-11

2.Акпаева А.Б., Лебедева Л.А., Мынжасарова М.Ж. О проблеме изучения трудных тем в курсе математики 4 класса обновленного содержания образования Республики Казахстан Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая ВЕСТНИК Серия «Физико-математические науки» № 1 (69), 2020 г., стр. 18-23

3. Акпаева А.Б., Лебедева Л.А., Рыскулбекова А.Д. Особенности планирования и организации практических занятий по методике преподавания обновленного содержания дисциплины "Математика" в начальных классах Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая ВЕСТНИК Серия «Физико-математические науки» № 1 (69), 2020 г., стр. 24-31


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES -research topics, number of publications (specify 5 significant)

Methods of teaching mathematics, methodological support of the educational process in schools and universities, teaching methodology, trainings at under-filled rural schools.

More than 200 publications, including: textbooks, training and teaching manuals, research reports, standard and educational programs. Over 20 Author`s certificates for textbooks and manuals in a period from 2003 to 2014.

1. Акпаева А.Б., Лебедева Л. А., МынжасароваМ.Ж.Математика. Учебник. Для 3 класса 11-летн.школы. 1 часть Алматы: Алматыкітапбаспасы, 2018. - 100 с.

2. Акпаева А.Б., Лебедева Л. А., Мынжасарова М.Ж.Математика. Оқулық. Жалпы бiлiм беретiн 11 ж.мектептiн 3-сыныбына арналган оқулық 1 бөлім. Алматы: Алматыкітап баспасы, 2018. - 100б.

3.Акпаева А.Б., Лебедева Л. А. Формирование элементарных математических представлений. Рабочая тетрадь №1 (5+) для детей 5-6 лет по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения Алматы: Алматыкітапбаспасы, 2018.   40 c.

4. Акпаева А.Б., Лебедева Л. А. Карапайым математикалық түсініктерді калыптастыру. Жумыс дәптері №1 (5+). Мектепке дейінгі тәрбие мен оқытудың үлгілік оқу бағдарламасы бойынша 5-6 жастағы балаларға арналған Алматы: Алматы кітап баспасы, 2018.   40 c.

5.Акпаева А.Б., Лебедева Л. А., Мынжасарова М.Ж., Лихобабенко Т.В. Математика. Учебник. Для 4 класса 11-летн.школы. 1 часть Алматы: Алматы кітап баспасы, 2019. -152 с.


Awarded with the badge "Kurmetti Kyzmetker" (2018) KazNPU named after Abay

Awarded with the badge "Uzdik Ustaz" (2016) KazNPU named after Abay

Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017).

Letters of thanks of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017, 2020)


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