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Sadyrmekova Indira Makkeevna


Name, surname, last name

Sadyrmekova Indira

Date of birth



 Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (1993);

Degree, title



Senior lecturer

Scientific interests

CLILL method of teaching

Scientific research and publications

Educational guide - «English educational guide for  students of physics» 2001;

Educational guide-«English educational guide for students of  mathematics», 2008 ;


Scientific  articles :

"Communicative activity in teaching foreign language" International scientific and methodical conference "New scientific directions of Kazakh linguistics" ,May 15, 2018;


"Intercultural communication in the process of learning a foreign language" International scientific and methodical conference "New scientific directions of Kazakh linguistics", May 15, 2018;


"Intensification of learning as an optimization of the educational process" International Scientific and Practical Conference "Cognitive linguistics in the context of the modernization of public consciousness", November 23-24, 2018;

"The role teaching English and interactive games" International scientific-practical conference "Cognitive linguistics in conditions of increasing public consciousness" November 23-24, 2018.

Work at the Department

 Since 1995


Public work

 Responsible for making up examination test questions


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