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Department of Kazakh Language Theory and Teaching Methods

KazNPU teaching staff were given honorary titles


On March 11, 2019, by the Order of the Republican Council on public titles and awards, the doctor of philological sciences, Professor Bakhtiyar Smanov was awarded the honorary title «Ult Qairatkeri» (« National figure»).


On March 7, candidate of philological sciences, prof. Mayra Zhunusova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Ryskul Borash, doctor of philological sciences, docent Kalamkas Kalybayeva, doctor of pedagogical sciences, docent Raigul S. Rakhmetova were awarded the title «Bilim beru salasynyn uzdigi» («Excellence in Education») and were given certificates.


Staff of Academician S. Kirabayev Kazakh Language and Literature Department sincerely congratulates collegues with the honorable awards for fruitful work at the pedagogical field!





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