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Teaching activities of the department of disciplines of educational cycle at the university are carried out in accordance with the state educational standard of specialties, model curricula of pedagogical disciplines «Pedagogy», «Theory and Methodology of Educational Work», «Management in Education and E-Documentation», «National Education», the work plan of the department, individual plans of teachers.


The department carries out educational and methodological work with students of 1-4 courses of all institutes, on full-time and distance, in the Kazakh and Russian departments, as well as in English. Some teachers participate in the process of retraining specialized specialists in teachers in Retraining Courses.


The teaching staff of the department conducts classes with undergraduate students of all specialties of the group «Education» on full-time and distance, in the Kazakh and Russian departments in the following academic disciplines:


1st year

- «National education» (4 ECTS), all pedagogical specialties of k/o, r / o of full-time and distance education

2nd year

- «Pedagogy» (5 ECTS) all bachelor`s degree programs in k / o, p / o and English;

- «Management in Education and electronic documentation» (5 ECTS), on the remote department, k / o, p/o;

2-3 course

- «Theory and methodology of educational work» (5 ECTS), all specialties of k/ o, r/o and in English.


Teaching staff also conduct continuous teaching practice in 1-4 courses.


The developers of «Pedagogical module» in the educational programs of pedagogical specialties of «Education» (2017-2018) are, Ph. D., Professor, head of the Department K. K. Zhampeisova and Professor of Abai KazNPU C. J. Kolumbaeva. They are also the authors of standard educational programs of pedagogical disciplines «Pedagogy», «Theory and methodology of educational work», «Management in education», « National education».


In 2015, the teaching staff of the department developed the «Concept of the implementation of the national idea «Mangilik El» in the universities of Kazakhstan». Based on the concept, a team of authors wrote a textbook on the discipline of national education «Mangilik El».



Published textbooks:

1. K. K. Zhampeisova, N. N. Khan, A. N. Kosherbayeva, Sh. Zh. Kolumbayeva Pedagogy: Textbook-Almaty, 2016-390 p.

2. Sh.Zh. Kolumbayeva, K.K. Zhampeisova, N.N. Khan, A.N. Kosherbayeva Theory and methods of upbringing work: Textbook. - Almaty, 2016-307 p.

3. A.N. Kosherbayeva, K.K. Zhampeisova, Sh.Zh. Kolumbayeva. Educational management: Textbook-Almaty, 2017-307 p.

4. Prof. S. T. Imanbayeva. «Pedagogy» in the Kazakh language (under the heading of REMC), Almaty ONON, 2017-340 pages.