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Tasks and main functional responsibilities of employees of theAdministration of Legal, Documentation and Archival Affairs


The Administration is an independent structural unit, it is part of the Administrative Department of the University. The composition and structure of the Administration is determined according to the staffing table approved by the Chairman of the Management Board - Rector.

The activity of the Department consists of three directions: 1) legal support; 2) documentation support; 3) maintaining archival records and archival affairs.

The main tasks of the Administration are:
1) ensuring compliance with the rule of law in the activities of structural units, protection of property and other legal rights and interests of the University;
2) clarification of the legislation to the heads of structural divisions, employees and students of the university;
3) participation in the preparation of draft regulations, orders, orders, decisions and other legal documents;
4) improving the forms and methods of working with official documents;
5) maintaining, ensuring a unified documenting procedure, information retrieval systems, monitoring the execution of documents, preparing them for transfer to the University archive after their formation at the level of the relevant divisions;
6) registration, accounting, storage, delivery and distribution of documents;
7) organization of timely consideration of incoming and outgoing correspondence by the Chairman of the Management Board - Rector and other officials;
8) control over the execution of documents submitted for signature to the Chairman of the Management Board - Rector, providing information on the results of the execution of documents;
9) ensuring timely reception, registration (according to the list of registered correspondence) and viewing incoming and outgoing correspondence;
10) control over the correctness of registration and formation of cases in structural divisions;
11) development of forms of administrative and other documents of the University;
12) development of instructions for office work, other regulatory and methodological documents in the field of document management;
13) compliance with the requirements of the anti-corruption management system, anti-corruption policy, resolution of conflicts of interest, internal regulatory documents in terms of anti-corruption.


Functions of the Administration in the field of legal support: 

1) represents the rights and interests of the university in court and in other bodies when considering various categories of cases and legal issues;
2) checks the draft orders, regulations, instructions, contracts and other documents of a legal nature submitted for signature to the management for compliance with the requirements of the legislation and endorses these documents;
3) organizes and conducts claim work, participates in the development of measures aimed at strengthening labor discipline;
4) carries out legal registration of materials prepared by the relevant structural divisions on theft, selfish abuses, shortages and other offenses for the adoption of organizational decisions by the management;
5) provides legal assistance to the Financial and Economic Department, the Infrastructure Development Department on the issues of compensation for material damage caused to the University;
6) ensure the observance of the procedure provided for by law when bringing employees to financial liability;
7) the head, if necessary, and responsible employees of the Department, take part in all operational meetings with the Chairman of the Management Board - Rector and Vice-Rectors;
8) takes part in maintaining a systematic record of incoming and outgoing regulatory documents, ensures the maintenance of a classifier of legal acts of the University by type of activity;
9) if necessary, provide the Chairman of the Management Board - Rector, vice-rectors and heads of divisions with the necessary regulatory documents;
10) carries out work on the promotion of legislation, carries out measures for the legal education of employees and students of the University;
11) maintains a policy of informing the University management about potential or existing violations of the anti-corruption policy, resolving conflicts of interest, corruption risks or incidents.


Functions of the Department in the field of documentation support: 

1) registration of documents submitted to the university, control over the execution of documents submitted for signature to the Chairman of the Board - Rector;
2) ensuring timely consideration by managers of incoming correspondence (documents);
3) control over the execution of incoming correspondence of higher authorities, internal decisions of the University;
4) control over the quality of preparation, execution of outgoing documents, sending them to their destination;
5) control over the execution of documents on time, regularly informing the management about the results of the execution of documents;
6) for the correctness of registration and formation of cases in structural divisions, the organization of the examination of the value of documents in order to select them for storage and destruction;
7) implementation of a ban on sending outgoing documents that have not passed registration in the prescribed manner, the provision of information and reference services;
8) registration and distribution of official correspondence between institutes, departments and other services of the University;
9) preparation of a nomenclature of cases, development of rules and instructions on issues of documentation and document management, their coordination with the state archival institution, ensuring the storage of cases, their use until they are transferred to the departmental archive;
10) the implementation of the reception, registration, registration of documents received by the official email address of the University and fax;
11) maintaining operational records of regulatory and methodological documents transferred for storage to the Administration according to the rules of documentation support;
12) ensuring the exchange of information with external organizations through the official email address of the University.

Functions of the Administration for Archival Accounting and Archiving:
1) develops and coordinates with the Central State Archives the schedules for the submission of inventories, acts on the allocation of documents for destruction, the transfer of documents of the National Archive Fund for state storage;
2) draws up and submits, no later than 2 years, after the completion of office work, annual sections of inventories of cases of permanent storage and personnel for consideration by the central expert commission of the University and the expert review commission of the Central State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) keep records and ensure the complete safety of the files accepted for storage;
4) creates, replenishes and improves the scientific reference apparatus for the documents stored in the archive, ensures its continuity (compatibility) with the scientific reference apparatus of the corresponding state archival institution;
5) informs the management of the University about the composition and content of archive documents, issues files, documents or copies of documents for official use in the archive premises;
1. 6)fulfills requests of third-party organizations and applications of citizens on the establishment of work experience and on other issues of a socio-legal nature, issues copies of documents and archival certificates;
6) keep records of the use of documents stored in the archive, conduct an examination of the value of documents stored in the archive, participate in the work of the central expert commission of the University;
7) provides methodological assistance on the application of the nomenclature of cases, controls the correctness of the formation and execution of cases, the quality of preparation and transfer of cases to the University archive;
8) participates in activities aimed at improving the qualifications of specialists - clerks, archivists of the University;
9) once every three years, submit to the relevant state archival institution information on the composition and volume of documents in the prescribed form;
10) prepares and, in the prescribed manner, transfers for storage to a state institution the documents of the National Archive Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.