қазақша · русский · english


Fundamental and applied scientific research at the Department of Physics is carried out in the following scientific areas:

1. Fluid and plasma physics, molecular physics and thermophysics;

2. Nuclear physics and theoretical physics;

3. Condensed matter physics;

4. Mechanics;

5. Interdisciplinary physics;

6. Research in the field of physical education.


The Department carries out three scientific projects funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, one international educational project jointly with the University of Leipzig (Germany).

1. The project «The emergence of concentration gravitational convection with multicomponent diffusion in stably stratified media» is carried out according to the scientific priority «Scientific research in the field of natural sciences» (supervisor - corresponding member of NAS RK, Academician of NAS Higher School of Economics, Doctor, Professor. Kosov V.N.). The aim of the project is to numerically study the mechanical equilibrium of isothermal triple gas mixtures, to determine the dynamic characteristics of emerging concentration gravitational flows under various conditions and to obtain calculated data on the effects of cross-effects on the definition of the boundaries of the diffusion-convection transition. Studies of the areas of diffusion and concentration gravitational convection in multicomponent systems seem necessary, since the results obtained can be used to control the movement of gas and gas mixtures in various technological processes.

2. The project «Dynamics, stability and positioning accuracy of a mobile robot with a universal parallel lift to the effects of stochastic external disturbances and vibration activity of the manipulation system» is carried out according to the scientific priority «Scientific research in the field of natural sciences» (scientific supervisor - Professor Bisembaev K.). Scientific research is carried out jointly with Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after Zholdasbekova.

3. The project «Development of an innovative method of purification of isothermal gas mixtures from carbon dioxide in conditions of instability of mechanical equilibrium» is carried out according to the scientific priority «Rational use of water resources, flora and fauna, ecology» (supervisor - corresponding member of NAS RK, Academician of NAS Higher School of Economics, Professor Kosov V.N.). The aim of the project is to develop an innovative approach for cleaning emissions of exhaust gas mixtures containing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the environment using separation effects. The results obtained for the first time can be used to select optimal solutions in the areas of exhaust gas transportation, which will help reduce the environmental burden on the environment.

4. Erasmus+ Project Code: D LEIPZIG01 (Scientific coordinators: Professors B.Drink (Germany) and V.N.Kosov (Kazakhstan)). The purpose of the project is the exchange of experience, the construction of architectonic models of physical education at the university.


The scientific potential of the department is determined by the high level of settlement, which is 67%. There are 1 corresponding member of NAS RK working at the department, 5 Doctors of Sciences, 9 candidates of sciences, 5 PhD-doctors who provide educational programs: «6D05302-Physics», «7M05302-Physics», «8D05302-Physics»; «6B01504-Physics», «6B01505-Physics in English», «6B01506-Physics and computer science».


Preparation of master`s theses, graduation papers (including project technology) is carried out within the framework of priority scientific areas that are presented at the department.


The Department of Physics has a permanent dissertation council for the defense and award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the direction «8D053-Physical and Chemical Sciences (6D060400/8D05302-Physics)».


The research work of the teaching staff of the department is carried out by:

- participation in scientific projects of the СS of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international grants;

- publications in rating journals indexed by international databases Web of Science (quartiles Q1 - Q3), Scopus (percentile 35 and more);

- publications in domestic and foreign journals recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- publications of monographs, textbooks, educational and teaching aids for secondary schools and universities;

- participation in international scientific congresses, conferences, forums and seminars.


MATERIALS The International scientific and practical conference "PHYSICAL PROCESSES AND COMPUTER MODELING" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor,Corresponding Member of KazNANS Tlebaev K.B.


Materials of the section "Physics" of the 78th annual scientific conference of students and undergraduates of Abai KazNPU (Almaty, November, 2023)


Materials of the section "Physics" of the 77th annual scientific conference of students and undergraduates of Abai KazNPU (Almaty, November 17, 2022)


List of published monographs in 2022


List of articles published in journals indexed in Scopus in 2022


Information about the scientific activities carried out in the academic year 2020 - 2021

List of articles published in journals with an impact factor in 2020

List of students and undergraduates - winners of competitions, Olympiads, etc. in 2020


Scientific seminar of the chair of Physics