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Erкebayeva Saule Zhomartovna



Erкebayeva Saule Zhomartovna was born on August 23, 1987 in the city of Kyzylorda. Education: higher.

In 2006, he entered the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, in 2010 he graduated from this university, having received a bachelor`s degree in the specialty "Preschool education and upbringing" (diploma with honors).

In 2010, he entered the Institute of Master`s Degree and PhD of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, majoring in "Preschool education and upbringing" and in 2012 received an academic master`s degree in "preschool education and upbringing" (diploma with honors).

In 2018, he entered the PhD program in the specialty "6d0100100 - preschool education and upbringing" at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, from which he graduated in 2021.



Educational institution


End date

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Preschool education and upbringing"


1.07.2010 ж.


Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Preschool education and upbringing"


28.06.2006 ж.

ЖООК-М №0021045    30.06. 2012 ж. №3

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Preschool education and upbringing"





Name of the academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Preschool education and upbringing"


6D010100- Preschool education and upbringing"

01.04.2012order No.420




Bachelor course:

Social pedagogy, Fundamentals of project activity, Methods of socio-pedagogical counseling, History of pedagogy and social pedagogy, Pedagogical animation, Ethnopedagogy,

Master`s degree:

Pedagogical qualimetry, Methods of experimental work in pedagogical research, Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education.


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

1. Theoretical aspects of the development of communication skills with children of the senior preschool age bulletin of kaznpu im. abaya, series "pedagogical sciences", no. 1 (65), 2020 s. Zh. Shirebaeva g. k. shirinbaeva a. E. Inayatova 3 368-371

2.Priority areas of updated education maintenance in the preschool organization.... series "pedagogical sciences" series "pedagogical sciences "series" pedagogical sciences " no. 3(63), 2019 g. yerkebayeva s. zh. 223-337b

3.Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of communicative skills of children of the senior preschool age. kazakh national pedagogical university named after abaya bulletin of the series "pedagogical sciences", no. 4 (64), 2019 g. yerkebayeva s. zh. 424-428


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

1. Сауат ашу негіздері әдістемелік нұсқаулық. Ересектер тобы (5-6 жастағы балалар) - Атамұра, 2022. -118б.

2. Сауат ашу негіздері  № 1, № 2. Ересектер тобы (5-6 жастағы балалар - Атамұра, 2022

3. Сөйлеуді дамыту әдістемелік нұсқау. Ересектер тобы (4-5 жастағы балалар) - Атамұра, 2022. -118б.

4. Сөйлеуді дамыту. Ересектер тобы (4-5 жастағы балалар) - Атамұра, 2022.

5. Ұ.Б. Төлешова, Р.Е. Каримова, С.Ж. Еркебаева. Ойын іс-әрекетінің теориясы және әдістемесі: оқу-әдістемелік құралы. -Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2021.-110 б.

6. .Мектпке дейінгі  ұйымдарда ойын технологияларын пайдалану әдістемесі Алматы 2014ж А.С Амирова , С.Ж.Еркебаева 121б



Certificate of Honor No. 17359-SI winner of the award of the foundation of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy "bilim bulagi", winner of the nomination qaztest RZ Olympic party in order to improve the skills of kindergarten employees II Republican organization" best preschool Organization employee " Almaty 2020 registration ND -229


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