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Academic mobility - a means of developing the educational process


On October 25, 2019, at the Department of Pedagogy and methods of primary education of the Institute of Pedagogy and psychology of Abai KazNPU, the report of scientific training of 2nd-year masters of Pavlodar state pedagogical University Orazbek Gulnaz, Nazhipova Aziza, Muratbek Nazerke, Rakisheva Gaisha and Mukhtar Elmira was heard.

In the period of training from 14.10.2019 to 25.10.2019, undergraduates performed the following work: chills with the structure of the University to the campuses, to pay attention to the equipment of classrooms the material-technical base, familiarization with the documents of the Department, to consult with approved leaders (doctor of pedagogical sciences, рrofessor Zhumabayevа A.E., candidate of pedagogic sciences, рrofessor G.I. Uaisova, candidate of pedagogic sciences, ass.professor G.T. Saduakas, candidate of pedagogic sciences, senior lecturer A.S. Stambekova, PhD, senior lecturer N.T. Sartayeva), visit lessons undergraduates, to work in the University library and the National library of the RK on the topic of the thesis.


During the internship, undergraduates timely performed the planned work, showed great responsibility. They discussed topical issues of research with the approved supervisors of the Department, showed the result of this scientific and methodological assistance in the form of the development of the article. Undergraduates are interested to continue to be in close contact with the staff of the Department and work in future.



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