қазақша · русский · english
 Nietbaeva Gulmira Bekenovna
Head of department
Phd doctor, associate professor
Tole bi str., 31



The Department of General and Applied Psychology is the leading department in the field of psychologists educational trening. The history of the department dates back to 1930. In those years, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was opened, the head of which was the first Kazakh scientist T.Tazhibayev, who has a degree in psychology. In 1946, under the leadership of Professor I.L.Stychinsky, the department was reorganized into the Department of Psychology and went down in history as the first independent psychological department in Kazakhstan. In 1968, the first Department of Psychology in Kazakhstan was established, headed by the famous leader and organizer of the psychological science of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor M.M.Mukanov.


All areas of activity of the Department of General and Applied Psychology are based on civil and social responsibility, professional and scientific and pedagogical training of highly qualified personnel is conducted at a high level according to a three-stage model:
- 6B03 - Social Sciences, Bachelor`s degree;
- 7M03 - Social Sciences, Master`s degree;
- 8D03 - Preparation of doctors of Social Sciences, Philosophy (PhD).


In the direction of «6B031-Social Sciences» (bachelor`s degree), educational training is carried out according to the following educational program:
- «6B03111 - "Training of a practical psychologist».


In the direction of «7M031-Social Sciences» (master`s degree), educational training is carried out according to two educational programs:
- «7M03116 - Psychological diagnostics and development of abilities»;
- «7M03118 - Health psychology with the basics of psychotherapy».


In the direction of «8D031-Social Sciences» (doctoral studies), educational training is carried out in two educational programs:
«8D03105 - Psychology»;
«8D03117 - Clinical and social psychology».


Currently, the department employs 4 doctors of psychological Sciences, professors, 8 candidates of psychological sciences, 2 candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors, 2 Doctors of Philosophy (PhD), 7 masters of Sciences, senior teachers. Among them: 3 honorary workers of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 2 «Best university teachers», 1 holder of a State scientific scholarship.

In 2023, the educational and research laboratory «Psychological diagnostics of personality» was opened. The educational and research laboratory occupies a special place in the training of psychological specialists, especially in the preparation of undergraduates and doctoral students.

The teaching staff of the department consists of highly qualified specialists. The Department of General and Applied Psychology is an effective educational training center for psychologists. The scientific erudition of teachers, their professional integrity, and special abilities to communicate with colleagues and students form the necessary industry and cultural environment for the development of students as competent specialists and holistic personalities. Over the past 10 years, the department has trained about 1,200 highly professional psychologists, practitioners, 100 masters of social sciences for education, healthcare, law enforcement agencies, penitentiary institutions, the army, business and other structures of society.


Our students actively participate in annual student conferences, university and national competitions and take prizes.

The department cooperates with several state institutions as a base of practice, namely: secondary schools, gymnasiums; gymnasium schools; the center for psychological counseling «Zhan Nuri»; the humanitarian college «Bobek»; military unit No. 7552 of the regional command «Ontustik» of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan; military unit No. 5571 of the regional command «Ontustik» of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan; military unit No. 3660 of the regional command «Ontustik» of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Department of the Border service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Almaty region; KKP city polyclinic No. 4; psychological service of KazNPU named after Abai; psychological service of the Kazakh National Agrarian University; «SmArt Point Almaty».

Students and undergraduates are provided with the opportunity to practice at the following professional activities:
- in all types of educational organizations;
- in sports and creative organizations;
- in healthcare organizations;
- in social services, employment centers;
- at the centers for the study of public opinion and political technologies;
- in manufacturing enterprises and business organizations;
- in law enforcement agencies, military organizations and penitentiary institutions.


The development plan of the educational program 6B03111-Training of a practical psychologist for 2024-2029


The development plan of the educational program 7M03118-Health psychology with the basics of psychotherapy for 2024-2029.