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Temirbekova Laura Nurlanovna



Ph. D awarded by the Committee or the higher attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Order No. 386 of March 3, 2014. Dissertation topic: "Numerical methods for solving the Gelfand-Levitan equation". For more than 10 years, she has been working on numerical solutions to various mathematical problems.

She was the head of master`s theses and theses. 3 articles - Thomson Reuters in the journal Applied and Computational mathematics published in 2012 and 2013. 1 article-Scopus AIP Conference Proceedings No. 1997, ICAAM 2018 H-index on Scopus and Thomson Reuters databases-2.

10 publications in CCFES ME RK journals. 2 publications in scientific publications of Kazakhstan in collaboration with undergraduates in 2016. 15 theses in International conferences, including 6 theses from far and near abroad countries (Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia).

IELTS - Level: 4,5.

Certificate of completion of the online school " Digital transformation of education "from the NGO" Game education " from 23 to 29 June 2020 in the amount of 72 hours.

The head of the youth project Abai KazNPU and executor of the scientific project of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the present.



Educational institution


Expiry date

Al-Farabi KazNU

Bachelor Of Mechanics


D. Serikbayev EKSTU

Master Of Mathematics


Al-Farabi KazNU

Doctorate In Mathematics




Name of the academic degree

Area of science

Date of graduation



3 March  2014


SUBJECTS TAUGHT (list by level of training)

1) Numerical methods

2) Optimization methods

3) Mathematical modeling

4) Computer simulation

5) Parallel computing and etc.



He has more than 30 scientific publications, the following is a list of the most important publications:

1.Темирбекова Л.Н. Параллельные алгоритмы решения многомерных коэффициентных обратных задач для гиперболических уравнений/Математический журнал. Институт математики и математического моделирования КН МОН РК, - Алматы, 2016. - Том 16, №4(62).- С. 233-239.

2.Temirbekova L.N. Numerical method for solving two dimensional Fredholm integral equations// International Conference Inverse problems in finance, Economics and life sciences. -  Almaty, Kazakhstan, December 26-28, 2017. - P.38.

3.Temirbekova L.N. Processing of Big Data in the Detection of Geochemical Anomalies of Rare-Earth Metal Deposits // Conference collection of International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018). AIP Conference Proceedings. - Mersin, Turkey,  2018. - V.1997. - P.423 - 429. - ISSN 0094 - 243X.

4.Aliev F., Ismailov N., Temirbekova L. Methods of solving the choice of extremal modes for the gas-lift process// Applied and Computational Mathematics An International Journal.- Baku, Azerbaijan. -  2012. -11(3). -P. 348-357. (ISSN: 16833511,Clarivate Analytics, Q1, процентиль: 70)

5.Temirbekova L., Dairbaeva G. Gradient and direct method of solving Gelfand-Levitan integral equation// Applied and Computational Mathematics An International Journal.- Baku, Azerbaijan. -  2013. -12(2). -P. 234-246. (ISSN: 16833511,Clarivate Analytics, Q1, процентиль: 70)



1. The workshop "the Digitization of educational computing algorithms" - Almaty, 2019 - 160 p. (in Russian)


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