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   Главная / Begalieva Saule Bayazovna

Begalieva Saule Bayazovna


She was born on 06.06.1958 in the South Kazakhstan region in a family of employees.

In 1980 she graduated from the philological faculty of the Shimkent Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Russian language and literature with an additional specialty "Pedagogy", a methodologist for educational work.

In 1998 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in the specialty "13.00.01. General pedagogy" on the topic: "Cognitive independence of students as a condition for the formation of didactic readiness of future teachers (by the example of working with students of the philological faculty)."

In 2010 she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "13.00.08 - Theory and Methods of Professional Education" on the topic: "Scientific foundations of the formation of the creative activity of future teachers by means of modern pedagogical technologies."

In 2011 she received the academic title of professor of RAE and corresponding member of RAE.

She participates in conferences held in Kazakhstan and abroad, her scientific works have been published in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic, Greece, S. Korea, Italy, Vietnam, India. More than 20 articles have been published in scientific journals with a high citation index.

Head of the department of philological specialties for foreign citizens.



Educational institution


Expiration date

Shimkent Pedagogical Institute

Russian language and literature with an additional specialty "Pedagogy", a methodologist for educational work.


Almaty State University named after Abay

Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature


Almaty State University named after Abay

Fellowship "Pedagogy"


RUDN University, Moscow

Diploma of professional retraining "Methods of teaching RFL for teachers of foreign schools"

15.10. 2019г.



Academic degree

Science field

Date of issue of the diploma

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

 Pedagogy and vocational education methods

13. 12. 2011г.



Academic title

Date of assignment




TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training)

1. Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

2. Foreign literature - II

3. Pedagogical rhetoric

4. Modern technologies

5. Technology of criteria-based assessment

6. Practical course of the Russian language

7. Word formation of the modern Russian language


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant)

Scientific bases of the formation of the creative activity of future teachers by means of modern pedagogical technologies.

1.Компетентностный  подход  как ведущая  парадигма  высшего  образования  Республики  Казахстан.Межд. научно-практконф. «Реализация и стратегия ЮНЕСКО по подготовке пед.кадров: Проблемы  и пути внедрения инновационных технологий в образоват.пространство» посв.празд.70-летия ЮНЕСКО.г.Алматы,24-25.09.15.с21-26

2.О педагогической деятельности как об  особом  виде социальной деятельностиVII межд.конф. молод. ученых «Казахстан  в международном образовательном пространстве» 07.04.15 .с 99.

3.О  креативности  как  об устойчивости  характеристики личности. Журнал «Успехи современного естествознания» Россия, Москва 2015, с.847-850 №1(часть5) РИНЦ-1,358

4.The value of speech and communication in shaping the multicultural personalityPonte,Florence. Italy Vol. 72 | No. 2 | Feb 2016 International Scientific Researches Journal ,Р. 76-81.Scopus - 0,1

5. Педагогическое  проектирование  в  формировании творческой активности  будущего учителя  Вестник КГУ. Серия «Филологические науки», Кокчетав,2017 С.170-175


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY-research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant)

Methodology for the formation of the creative activity of future teachers by means of modern pedagogical technologies

1.Русский язык : учебник  для  7 класса общеобразовательных школ . Алматы: Атамура, 2017-340с.

2. Методическое руководство  к учебнику Русский язык : Для  учителей 7 класс Алматы: Атамура, 2017- с. 218

3.Шаг за шагомУч.пособиеАлматы,2019,с.206

4.Педагогические технологии в современном обраовательном  процессе.Materials of  the V international Scientific-practical  conference «Integration of  the Scientific Community  To the Global Challenges of Our Time». February 12-14,2020Tokyo, JapanVolumeII. 221-232

5.Современный  русский язык . Фонетика. Лексикология.Словообразование.

Морфология. Стилистика. Учебное пособие, Алматы,2019,с. 303



1. Excellence in Education of the Kazakh SSR (1988)

2. Winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university - 2007" (MES RK)

3. Badge "For special merits in the formation and development of KazNPU named after Abai" Airyusha enbegi ushin "(2009)

4. Winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university - 2012" (MES RK)

5. Honored Worker of Science and Education (RAE certificate, 2012)

6. MERITO diploma for high-quality professional activity (Spain, Chamber of Science and Industry, 2012)

7. Recipient of the State Scientific Scholarship for scientists and specialists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology in the field of pedagogical sciences (2013)

8. Honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation" (2016)

9. Badge for special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bilim I take isinin Ormetti Kyzmetkeri" (MES RK, 2018)


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