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   Главная / Imankulova Sofia Kopesbaevna

Imankulova Sofia Kopesbaevna



 was born on January 25, 1948 in Almaty

1971 graduation from the biological faculty of the S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University (now al-Farabi KazNU) with a major "Chemistry and Biology", and a qualification of a teacher of biology and chemistry.

1971-1974 a senior laboratory assistant at the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (Almaty),

1974-1989 a junior researcher, a senior researcher, scientific secretary at the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.

1981 defense of the thesis on Candidate of Science degree, major 14.00.07-Hygiene from June 8, 1981 Council of the Research Institute of Regional Pathology of the Ministry of Health of the Kazakh SSR.

1991-1996 an associate professor of the Department of Botany of the Natural-Geographical Faculty of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

Since 1997 professor of the Department of Botany and General Biology of the Abai.

1996-2017 Head of the Department of Botany and General Biology, Professor of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.



Educational institution


Graduation date

S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University

teacher of biology and chemistry


Council of the Research Institute of Regional Pathology of the Ministry of Health of the Kazakh SSR.

Candidate of Science in biology




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate of Science in biology

Hygiene 14.00.07




Anatomy and morphology of plants

Botany I

Systematics of plants

Botany II

Workshop on botany


Plant resources of Kazakhstan

Biogeocenoses of Kazakhstan


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications

1. Иманкулова С.К., Аманжолов Р. А.Технология кейс-стади и ее применение в процессе профессиональной подготовки будущих педагогов биологов.Международная научно-практическая конференция «Биологическое и экологическое образование в школе и вузе: теория, методика, практика» г. Санкт-Петербург, 14-17 ноября 2017 г стр. 209-212 (Imankulova S.K., Amanzholov R.A. Case-study technology and its application in the process of professional training of future teachers-biologists. International scientific-practical conference "Biological and environmental education at school and university: theory, methodology, practice", St.-Petersburg, November 14-17, 2017, P. 209-212)

2. Imankulova S.K., J.B.Childibayev, K.I .Shalabayev, Amanbayeva M.B., Maimatayeva A.D. Methodology of research activity development in preparing future teachers with the use of information resources // EURASIA Journal of  Mathematics, Science and Technology Education., 13(11):7399-7410, ISSN:1305-8215. - Turkey, 2017. - P.7400-7410.

3. Imankulova S.K., Shalabaev K.I., Amanbekova D.M., Amanzholov R.,Altynbek T. Analysis of the ecological state of the vegetative cover in the Ile (Zailiyskiy) Alatau mountains. // Proceedings of 18th International MultidisciplinaryScientific GeoConference SGEM 2018,18(5.2),6572.

4. Иманкулова С.К., Ахметов Н.К., Еликбаева М.О. Учебная игра по биологии Классификация живых организмов. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Перспективные направления исследований проблем биологического и экологического образования». 19-21 ноября. - 2019. - С. 106-116 (Imankulova S.K., Akhmetov N.K., Elikbaeva M.O. Educational game in biology Classification of living organisms. International scientific-practical conference "Promising directions of research of problems of biological and environmental education." November 19-21. - 2019.- P. 106-116)

5. Иманкулова С.К., Кулманбетова Д.А. Инвентаризация видового состава семейств Poaceae  и Fabaceae  из гербарного фонда института естествознания и географии КазНПУим.Абая. Science and world. 2019, №3 (67). С.57-60. Volgograd. ISSN: 2308-4804 Импакт -фактор журнала -0,325 (Imankulova S.K., Kulmanbetova D.A. Inventory of the species composition of the Poaceae and Fabaceae families from the herbarium fund of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of KazNPUim.Abay. Science and world. 2019, no. 3 (67). S.57-60. Volgograd. ISSN: 2308-4804 Journal Impact Factor -0.325)

6. Imankulova S.K., K. I. ShalabayevK. L. Mussaev,B M.Issabekov D.Mamanbekova  Dynamics of Vegetation of High Mountain Areas of the Northern Tian Shan underDifferent Protection and Economic Use Regime. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism Editor in Chief Ramona PÎRVU University of Craiova, Romania ASERS Publishing  ISSN 2068 - 7729 Journal DOI: 2020Volume XI Issue 5(45)P. 1277-1289

7. Иманкулова С.К., Ахметов Н.К. ЕликбаеваМ.О,. Возможность создания и компьютеризации учебных игр при обучении биологии. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Проблемы  биологического и экологического образования». 14апреля. - 2021. - С. 41-45, г. Санкт -Петербург-СПб;Свое изд-во,2021.-178  (Imankulova S.K., Akhmetov N.K. Elikbaeva M.O. The ability to create and computerize educational games in teaching biology. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Biological and Environmental Education". 14th of April. - 2021. - P. 41-45, St. Petersburg-SPb; Own publishing house, 2021.-178)

8. Imankulova S.K., Demchenko G.A., Toleukhanov S.T., Nurmakhanova B.A., Boranbayeva G., Abdreshov S.N., Makashev E.K  Comparative characteristics of the effect of some industrially significant medicinal herbs on the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems of an aging organism. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, -2021, -№2, -Р.35-38.


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications 

1. Imankulova S.K., Shalabaev K.I., Shokanova A.Sh,. Amanbekova D.M.,. Botany. Textbook. - Almaty: Association of higher educational institutionsof Kazakhstan, 2016. - 246 p.

2. Иманкулова С.К., Шалабаев К.И., Аманбекова Д.М. Ботаника. Учебное пособие. КазҰПУ типографиясы «Ұлағат», Алматы, 2016.- 295с. (Imankulova S.K., Shalabaev K.I., Amanbekova D.M. Botany. Tutorial. KazҰPU printing houses "Ulagat", Almaty, 2016.- 295p.)

3. С.К.Иманкулова, Б.Т. Едилбаев. Биоэкология. КазҰПУ типографиясы «Ұлағат», Алматы, 2016.-264 с. (S.K. Imankulova, B.T. Edilbaev. Bioecology. KazPU printing houses "Ulagat", Almaty, 2016.-264 p.)

4. Иманкулова С.К., Айдарбаева Д.К. Растительные ресурсы Казахстана и их освоение (учебное пособие). КазНПУ им Абая типография «Ұлағат», г. Алматы, 2016 г. - 216 с. (Imankulova S.K., Aydarbaeva D.K. Plant resources of Kazakhstan and their development (textbook). KazNPU named after Abai printing house "Ulagat", Almaty, 2016 - 216 p).

5. Иманкулова С.К., Еликбаева М.О., Татаринова Г.Ш., Ташенова Г.К, Ахметов Н.К. Практикум по компьютерным играм в биологии Учебно -методическое пособие-Алматы КазНПУ им.Абая Изд-во Ұлағат,2020.-82 с.( Imankulova S.K., Elikbaeva M.O., Tatarinova G.Sh., Tashenova G.K., Akhmetov N.K. Workshop on computer games in biology Educational-methodical manual-Almaty KazNPU named after Abai Publishing house Ulagat, 2020.-82 p/)



1. Anniversary medal "(90th anniversary of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical university" («Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетіне 90 жыл») for the contribution to the development of the university



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