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   Главная / Sultankulova Sholpan Ukaskyzy

Sultankulova Sholpan Ukaskyzy



She was born in 1968 in the Almaty region, graduated from school in 1985 in the village Podgornoye, Almaty region. She is a graduate of Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages: here she received higher education, graduated from the Master at South- Kazakhstan Teacher Training University in 2012 with a degree in "Pedagogics and Psychology". She has 33 years of teaching experience: since 2001she has been a teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages at KazNPU named after Abay, Almaty.



Educational institution


Expiration date

Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages

Bachelor of education


South- Kazakhstan Teacher Training University

Master of Science in Education





Academic degree

Branch of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Master of Science in Education

Pedagogical Sciences




Bachelor`s degree: seminars in the disciplines "Theoretical grammar" (3 course),

Leveled Reading (2 course),

Foreign language (1course),



1.«Threelingualism - Kazakhstan`s unique formula of the language education Life Science Journal ,Volume 11, Special Issue 4, April 25, 2014, ISSN:1097.8135 США

2. Жоғары оқу орындарында ағылшын тілін оқытуда ақпараттық технологияны қолданудың педагогикалық шарттары. Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршы №2 (18) 2017. 23-27беттер.

3. Independent work of students in the process of learning the English language Москва. Декабрь 2019 г.стр. 98-103. Интернаука.

4. Speech impact as a communicative act Scientific collection Interconf

Copenhagen, Denmark № 3 (33) |October, 2020 123-115p.

5. Молдова, Комрат 2020 Научно-образователь-ное пространство: реалии и перспективы повышения качества образования.

Innovative ways of teaching English phraseological units 128-131p.

6. Peculiarities of teaching written discourse. Scientific collection Interconf Hamburg, Germany

№ 40 |January,2021 230-233p.

7. Шетел тілі сабағында сандық бағдарламаларды қолдану арқылы сөйлесім дағдысын дамыту. Нұр- Сұлтан, «БІЛІМ ЖӘНЕ ҒЫЛЫМ - 2021» атты ІV Халықар.ғыл.-тәж. конф. материалдары №2 (18) 2021. 132-137беттер.

8. Effectiveness of video materials for foreign language teaching. №4 (67) 2022. 132-137беттер.

9. Applying current approaches to the teaching reading. (Оrleans. france) №26 (129) 2022. 461-468 беттер.

10.The use of Listening in the FL Classroom (Polish scientific journal. Warsaw) №7 (52) 2022.

11.Learning a FL through reading Foreign Literature (Dublin. Ireland) №1, January. 2023.



1. Білім және Ғылым Министрінің Алғысы, 08.12.2021

2.Үздік Ұстаз төсбелгісі, 05.11.2022




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