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Isabekov Beibit Manapovich


Full name


Year of birth

May  14, 1952


1975 graduated from Kazakh pedagogical Institute named after Abaynatural-geographical faculty, specialty "Biology and chemistry". Qualification: teacher of biology and chemistry.

1984-1988 he studied at the post-graduate Institute of plant physiology of the anssr in Moscow.

Academic degree and title

In 1990 he defended his thesis (K. b.H.) Specialty 03.00.12-plant physiology from March 27, 1990. Council at the Institute of plant physiology.K. A. Timirjazeva of the USSR

Place of work and position after graduation

1975-1976 Teacher of biology and chemistry of school of Tselinograd region

1976-1982 Teacher of biology and chemistry of the school of Dzhambul region 1982-1984 MNS of the Institute of botany, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR

1984-1988 post-graduate Student at the Institute of plant physiology.K. A. Timirjazeva of the USSR, Moscow

1988-1994 SNS Institute of botany, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR 1994-present senior lecturer of the Department of botany and General biology of KazNPU.named after Abai.

Scientific interests

Plant resistance to adverse environmenyal factors


1.Isabekov BM, Krasavtsev OA "Reversible changes in frost-resistant plant cells." Physiology of plant resistance and growth regulators .- Saransk .- 1987.- P.12-16.

2.Isabekov BM, Krasavtsev OA "Osmotic properties of frost-resistant protoplasts". Physiology of plants.-1989.-v.36, issue 2-P.372-381.

3.Isabekov B.M. "Intravital changes in the permeability of frost-resistant cells during freezing and thawing." Physiology of plants.-1989.-t.36, issue 6.-P.169-176

4.Isabekov BM, Averkina IB "Ion-exchange properties of plant protoplasts adapted to frost." Bulletin of the CNPU. Abay. Series "Naturally-Geographic Sciences" No. 1 (3) Almaty 2003 P.38-41

5.Isabekov BM, Orazbaeva AD "The use of polymer hydrogels in plant growing to improve the water-holding capacity of soils." AbayatyndaғyҚaz.ҰPU-nyңkhabarshysy "Zharatylystanu-geography ғylymdary" series. Bulletin of the KazNPU. Abay, series "Natural-geographical sciences" №2 (12) Almaty 2007 С.20-23

6.Isabekov BM, Orazbaeva AD "Өсімдіктердіңылғалдыортағабайланыстыбейімделуінтірек-сызбаарқылытереңдетеоқыту". AbayatyndaғyҚаз.ҰПУ-ноңхабаршысы «Zharatylystanu-geography ғylymdary» series №4 (14) Almaty 2007 С.69-71

7.Ilyukhin GP, ​​Isabekov BM, Dolabaev BA "General Biology" Test assignments. Almaty 2008 P.43-76

8.Isabekov BM, Sayimova R.U. "Restitution and reactivation of the permeability of frost-boring plant cells". Interuniversity scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic: "Biodiversity and sustainable development" Almaty, May 19-20, 2011

9.Isabekov B.M. "Tempering the plant to frost at low positive temperatures." Bulletin of the KazNPU. Abay Series "Natural Geographic Sciences" №4 (38) Almaty 2013 P.52-54

10.Isabekov B.M. «Дарвинешқашанқұдайжоқдегенемес». Аңызадам. №3 (111) Ақпан 2015ж.

Since when do you work at the department

Since 1994 senior lecturer of the department of botany and General biology of KazNPU.named after Abai.

Social work

Since 1998 member of the jury of the school Olympiad (c.Almaty)

Contact details

8 705 6142635:

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