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Daulbayev Timur Fayzievich


Daulbayev Timur Fayzievich was born on 09/20/1977 in the city of Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, nationality-Kazakh, in 1994 graduated  from the Technical Lyceum No. 28 in Almaty and in the same year entered the historical faculty of ASU named after Abai. In 1999 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of ASU named after Abai. From the same year to 2000, he worked as a teacher at the Department of World History of ASU named after Abai. 

From 2000 to 2002 he was a trainee researcher at the Department of History of Kazakhstan of the Natural Faculties of ASU named after Abai.

From 2000 to 2003, consultant of the Department of ideological work of the Central Office of the Republican Political Party "Otan" (Fatherland). He is member of the "Nur-Otan" party since 1999. From 2003-2006, I was a full-time postgraduate student of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science of KazNPU. 

In 2007, he defended his PhD thesis at Abai KazNPU on the topic: "The specifics of the use of information and analytical technologies in public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan".



Educational institution


End date

Almaty State University named after Abai

History Teacher

1999 y.


Name of the academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diplomа

Candidate of Political Sciences (23.00.02- political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies)


Political Science




Author of over 40 printed scientific papers on topical issues of political science, public administration and tolerance, 2 certificates of state registration of intellectual property, co-author of the textbook "Tolerantylyk negizderi" (Fundamentals of tolerance) for students, he has 1 foreign publication.



co-author of the textbook "Tolerantylyk negizderi" (Fundamentals of tolerance) for students

1. The specifics of the use of interactive technologies and methods in the teaching of historical disciplines. Printed Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai Series of Historical and socio-political sciences No. 3(38) 2013 p.56-60 co-authored by G.T. Dzhainakbaeva.

2. The place and role of tolerance in the context of the development of multicultural education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" printed collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Formation of tolerance in the educational process: problems and prospects" January 21, 2013 Almaty, KazNPU. Abaya p.119-125

3. Innovation and tolerance as factors of successful reform of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan" printed Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Kazakhstan and the world historical process in the context of globalization" in the framework of "Nurpeisov readings" Almaty, kAzgOszHenPI, March 15, 2013. pp.226-229

4.Toleranttylyk negizderi" Oku kuraly Almaty, Abay atyndagi Kazpu, Ulagat 2013- printed "Toleranttylyk negizderi" Oku kuraly Almaty, KazNPPU, Ulagat 2013-148 bet. 148 S. Zhusanbayeva G.M., Nurmanbetkyzy Zh.

5. Multikulture Bildung im Kontext der Toleranzentwicklung in der Republic Kasachstan Politische,sociologische und rechtliche Probleme der Gessellschaftsentwicklung

Kasachstans Wissenschaftliche Beitrage FRG, Berlin December 2013 Printwissenschaftliche Beitrage FRG, Berlin December 2013 pp.187-192 Bakauova G.B., Kokkozova G.M.



In 2014, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of KazNPU named after Abay. 03.10.2016. Rectrom KazNPU named afterAbay was awarded the badge "Uzdik Ustaz" Certificate No. 455. In December 2016, he was awarded a letter of thanks from the Akimat of Almaty.




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